张 凤















 2002.09-2006.06, 第二军医大学, 药学, 学士

 2006.09-2011.06, 第二军医大学, 生药学, 博士


2011.07-2018.11, 海军军医大学第二附属医院医疗保障中心药剂科,主管药师

2018.12 - 至今, 海军军医大学第二附属医院医疗保障中心药剂科,副主任药师,副教授

2021.12 - 至今, 海军军医大学第二附属医院医疗保障中心药剂科,副主任


现任海军军医大学第二附属医院(上海长征医院)药剂科副主任、国家科技部专家库成员、上海市科学技术委员会专家库成员、国家自然科学基金网评专家,世界中医药学会联会会中药分析专业委员会理事、中国药理学会治疗药物监控研究专家委员会青年委员、上海市药学会医院药学专委青委会副主任委员、上海市医学会临床药学专委会委员。担任Pharmacological ReportsTalantaBiomedical Chromatography等多个药物分析、药理学等方向SCI杂志审稿人,以及《中国临床药理学与治疗学》和《中国医药导刊》等期刊青年编委,《中国药业》、《上海中医药大学学报》等中文核心杂志审稿人。

主持国家重点研发计划(2022YFC3501702)子课题,国家自然科学基金3项(822740598157379381202866),上海市科委课题2项(22S2190190018401931600),卫健委课题1项(ZYCC2019018)及多项院校级课题。以第一/通讯作者在Pharmacol ResPhytomedicineJ EthnopharmacolInt Immunopharmacol等期刊发表SCI论文39篇,核心期刊论文31篇,参编专著4部,申请专利6项。获上海药学科技奖二等奖1项(2021-3)、中国医药教育协会2022年度科学技术奖科技创新奖三等奖1项(2022-2)、中国药学会-施维雅青年医院药学奖(2018年,全国仅8名),获军队医疗人员三类特殊津贴,入选首届上海药学科技奖青年人才奖(2023年)、上海市青年科技启明星(2019年)、深蓝工程重点人才培养对象(2022年)、上海市优秀青年药师(2017年)。


  1. 国家自然科学基金,黄葵调控内源性毒素肾脏合成和转运功能改善他克莫司肾毒性的机理和药效物质研究(82274059),主持

  2. 国家重点研发计划子课题,临床证据导向的丹参、党参“功效-物质”全景解析及深度研发(2022YFC3501702),主持

  3. 上海市科委科技成果转化和产业化项目,治疗心律失常制剂益心饮的临床前研究(22S21901900),主持

  4. 海军军医大学远航人才,海军军医大学“深蓝工程”重点人才培养,主持

  5. 院创新型临床研究资助,他克莫司肾毒性机制及预警生物标志物的发现(2020YLCYJ -Y25),主持


  1. Pang T, Weng N, Chen Y, Huang CY, Sun M, Zhang F*, Chen WS*. Evaluating the compatibility mechanism of Shengxian Decoction based on an excretion study of 18 bioactive constituents in rat biosamples. World J Tradit Chin Med, 2024, 10 (1) 40-52. (IF=4.6)

  2. He YQ #, Zhou CC#, Jiang SG#, Lan WQ, Zhang F*, Tao X*, Chen WS*. Natural products for the treatment of chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment and prospects of nose-to-brain drug delivery. Frontiers in pharmacology, 15, 1292807. (IF=5.6)

  3. Fan XC#Jiao GY#Pang T#Wen THe ZQHan J*Zhang F*Chen WS*.Ameliorative Effects of Mangiferin Derivative TPX on Insulin Resistance via PI3K/AKT and AMPK Signaling Pathways in Human HepG2 and HL-7702 Hepatocytes[J].Phytomedicine2023114154740.IF7.9

  4. Jiao GY#Fan XC#Wang YJWeng NOuyang LLWang HQPan SHHuang DDHan JZhang F*Chen WS*.Dissection of the active ingredients and potential mechanism of Han-Shi-Yu-Fei-Decoction in treating COVID-19 based on in vivo substances profiling and clinical symptom guided network pharmacology[J].ACS Omega2022741):36598-36610.IF=4.132

  5. Wen Y#Zhao MP#Fu SX#Gu ZCChen WSZhao QShu W*Tao X*Zhang F*.Pharmaceutical services based on therapeutic care pathway for kidney transplantation from donors of infants and young childrena single-center experience[J].Transl Pediatr.2022116):834-847 IF=4.047

  6. Zhang F#Zhai JX#Nan WGao JYin J*Chen WS*.A comprehensive review of the main lignan components of Schisandra chinensis North Wu Wei Ziand Schisandra sphenanthera South Wu Wei Ziand the lignan-induced drug-drug interactions based on the inhibition of cytochrome P450 and P-glycoprotein activities[J].Frontier in Pharmacology202213816036.IF=5.988

  7. Fan XCHan J*Zhang F*Chen WS*. Red yeast ricea functional food used to reduce hyperlipidemia[J].Food Reviews International20222043894.IF= 6.043

  8. Huang DD#Jiang SG#Du ZN#Chen YH#Xue DWang XJLi MSZhang F*Chen WS*Sun LN*.Analgesic and anti-arthritic activities of Polysaccharides in Chaenomeles speciosa[J].Front Pharmacol202213744915. IF=5.988

  9. Du ZN#Huang DD#Shi PJ#Dong ZYWang XJLi MSChen WS*Zhang F*Sun LN*.Integrated Chemical Interpretation and Network Pharmacology Analysis to Reveal the Anti-Liver Fibrosis Effect of Penthorum chinense[J].Front Pharmacol.202213788388.IF=5.988

  10. Huang CY#Qiu S#Fan XC#Jiao GYZhou XSun MWeng NGao SHTao X*Zhang F*Chen WS*. Evaluation of the effect of Shengxian Decoction on doxorubicin-induced chronic heart failure model rats and a multicomponent comparative pharmacokinetic study after oral administration in normal and model rats[J].Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy2021144112354.IF=7.419

  11. Huang DDCheng JXMao JQMa SLDu ZNChen WSZhang F*Sun LN*.The LC-MS/MS-based measurement of isopimaric acid in rat plasma and application of pharmacokinetics[J].Biomed Res Int.202120212310422.IF=3.246

  12. Zhu Sang#Zhang F#Shen AW#Sun BXia TYChen WS*Tao X*Yu SQ*.Metabolomics evaluation of patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease before dialysismaintenance hemodialysisand peritoneal dialysis[J].Frontiers in Physiology202111630646.IF=4.755

  13. Huang DD#Du ZN#Chen YH#Dong ZYWang XJLi MSZhang F*Chen WS*Sun LN*.Bio-Guided isolation of two new hypoglycemic triterpenoid saponins from Polygonum capitatum[J].Drug Des Devel Ther. 2021155001-5010.IF=4.319

  14. He YQ#Zhou CC#Yu LY#Wang L#Deng JLTao YLZhang F*Chen WS*.Natural product derived phytochemicals in managing acute lung injury by multiple mechanisms[J].Pharmacol Res. 2021163105224.IF=10.334